
The Best JROTC Portraits Around

By MaLLett Photograpy | 2020/12/02

The Best JROTC Portraits Around

MaLLett Photography, LLC… Also the company for Junior ROTC Portraits. Over the last several years we have made impressive enroads with many area High Schools with their R>O.T.C programs. WHY? Because there is no other portrait company that does it better than MaLLett Photography. WOW! What a HUGE STATEMENT to Make. YEP! I know because, I get around and as I visit so many schools that host the JROT Programs. I have actually, witness dozens of so call professional JROTC portraits. As a professional photographer, it’s within my nature to view, analyzed, critique and often form a subjective commentary. So, my own observation leads me to this conclusion after viewing under and over lighting exposures, bad cropping and bad posing. At this point, I’m asking myself, what kind of photographers are these? And, who’s training these guys? Seriously, these are valid questions which call for serious answers. Unfortunately, these other photographers won't share answers with me, because I’m just another curious photographer in their eyes. Chances are, they just might tell me to mind my business. Oh well, like my Mama used to say to me “Will, Mind your Business.” Okay, alright Mom, I heard you. So, from now on I’m concentrating on perfecting my style of photography. Which is contemporary by thought of mind, honest as well as having a dignified appearance. It’s all about photographing with passion and that’s my friends will reveal your love in your work. This is what we do at MaLLett Photography, LLC we bring our passion and experience on the job. Every day! And Every time!

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